OTHER SITES BY THIS AUTHOR: https://dleonardisisco.blogspot.com/, https://dorothysisco.wixsite.com/inspiration/, https://blogable4u.blogspot.com/, https://wikiwacki.blogspot.com/, https://specials4all.blogspot.com/, https://dorothyleonardisisco.blogspot.com/, https://holidaysavings4all.blogspot.com/ and https://mybigsavings.blogspot.com/
Sometimes, sharing a haunting dream, that one hopes will never come true, helps in getting on with the workday.
Getting back to work, when working at home, takes discipline. I must write things down, as a "to do list", or else, I am easily distracted, and in doing so (becoming distracted) I easily forget the things that need to be done. I put the notes where I can see them, like on the phone, on the refrigerator, and on the bathroom mirror. I have, in the past (soon after the TBI & memory loss) pinned notes to whatever I was wearing- at that time. Focusing on one task, and getting it done is a hurdle, and it is work. Recently, I moved to a new apartment, and it is smaller than my last place, but it's pet friendly. My hope is to be able to afford to move into a small house, and have a garden. A scream dream that haunts me to this day, is to keep moving into, decreasingly, smaller places until the smallest place is a casket, or an urn. Here are some links, that I frequent, that may help you improve your concentration, so that you, too, can focus in on one-thing-at-a-time, until you get things done.>http://altmedicine.about.com/od/optimumhealthessentials/a/Concentration.htm, http://www.helpguide.org/mental/adhd_add_adult_strategies.htm Also,I've tried the supplements, DMAE and CoQ10, and found that they have helped to enhance my mental clarity. I have provided links, to those products (DMAE and CoQ10), at Amazon, because that is where I would get them. Select the item, to be transefrred to that page>