Today, the county that I live in declared a state of emergency.  In Rocklin, a resident went by ambulance to a healthcare facility in Roseville California, only minutes away from where I live, and he recently died there - from the coronavirus You can read about that here https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-03-05/coronavirus-victim-neighbors AND HERE  https://fox40.com/news/local-news/sacramento-county-declares-local-emergency-due-to-covid-19/   You can learn more about this novel coronavirus  here➤ https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html  and here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coronavirus_disease_2019  To read about the first U.S. case report:

For more info➤2019 Novel Coronavirus

  I'm considered to be a high risk individual, due to the fact that I'm an allergic asthmatic, and my daily regimen of preventive medications includes a corticosteroid inhaler, and a corticosteroid nasal spray.  Corticosteroids compromise the immune system, and have a wide array of side effects I refuse to be fearful, and laughter has no bad side effects; maybe that's why it's called the best medicine.  Forgive me - if I have offended anyone.  I love people, so much, and people are so funny!☮

IN THE NOW: "Don't worry - be funny..."

ADDED 9/7/22

      IN THE NOW: "Don't worry - be funny...":   Having health concerns, or problems, can be a depressing thing, especially if you have to spend long periods of time alone, or in bed. Dep...

BLOG THIS!: Diet Change Helps With Allergic Asthma

BLOG THIS!: Diet Change Helps With Allergic Asthma: For over 50 years, I've had to deal with allergic asthma, and diet plays a, tremendous, part in managing both allergies, and asthma. Als...

Sometimes, sharing a haunting dream, that one hopes will never come true, helps in getting on with the workday.

Getting back to work, when working at home, takes discipline. I must write things down, as a "to do list", or else, I am easily distracted, and in doing so (becoming distracted) I easily forget the things that need to be done. I put the notes where I can see them, like on the phone, on the refrigerator, and on the bathroom mirror. I have, in the past (soon after the TBI & memory loss) pinned notes to whatever I was wearing- at that time. Focusing on one task, and getting it done is a hurdle, and it is work. Recently, I moved to a new apartment, and it is smaller than my last place, but it's pet friendly. My hope is to be able to afford to move into a small house, and have a garden. A scream dream that haunts me to this day, is to keep moving into, decreasingly, smaller places until the smallest place is a casket, or an urn. Here are some links, that I frequent, that may help you improve your concentration, so that you, too, can focus in on one-thing-at-a-time, until you get things done.>http://altmedicine.about.com/od/optimumhealthessentials/a/Concentration.htmhttp://www.helpguide.org/mental/adhd_add_adult_strategies.htm  Also,I've tried the supplements, DMAE and CoQ10, and found that they have helped to enhance my mental clarity.  I have provided links, to those products (DMAE and CoQ10), at Amazon, because that is where I would get them. Select the item, to be transefrred to that page>

Having to deal with the past, to get to enjoy the present, can be challenging.

I'm sure you're familiar with the story about the butterfly's struggle; well, right now I'm struggling, and I hope to be blogging more - very soon. The butterfly needs the struggle to strengthen it's wings so as to fly. 
"A young boy came across a butterfly cocoon and brought it into his house. He watched, over the course of hours, as the butterfly struggled to break free from its confinement. It managed to create a small hole in the cocoon, but its body was too large to emerge. It tired and became still." Read this story here: https://www.lifeandwhim.com/first-moments-blog/2018/the-struggle-makes-you-stronger

Thanks For The Memories, Via The Internet

2013, has been a productive year, and I'm thankful for all of the wonderful people in my life.  I am hoping that 2014 will be even better.  Leave me a message, or just say "Hi.", and if you have time, visit  another one of my blogs, called "In The Now" >http://dorothyleonardisisco.blogspot.com/